Did you know that you can crochet faux ostrich feathers? We found this fabulous and quite rare very old antique vintage pattern to show you just how to do it....the pattern dates from the early part of the 20th century- just at the time when Downton Abbey is set. So, if you would love to emulate the wonderful feathered hats from that era but would prefer not to use real feathers then this pattern is for you.
We think these crocheted feathers have great potential- once you have made one from the instructions and understand the process, then you should be able to make them in lots of different sizes and yarns- they would look fantastic made in lots of creams and whites, but equally as good in bright parrot colours too.
Use them for music hall hats, decorating scarves and accessories and even for home decor!
You can find the pattern to download from the Vintage Visage website- you can go instantly there by clicking the text after the photo below- have fun
Click here to go to the pattern on the website
We do have crochet hats patterns for the same era too, so do take a look around